
Giving our tithes and offerings reflects a grateful heart that wants to give back to God

a portion of what He has given us; in reality, what is already His. This is our opportunity

to show God that He is first in our lives. The Bible says, "The purpose of tithing is to teach

you always to put God first in your lives" (Deuteronomy 14:23 TLB). Tithing is a reminder

that God is the supplier of everything we have. It is also God’s personal invitation

to an outpouring of his blessing in your life.

Online Giving Questions & Answers

Here are some frequently asked questions about online donations

  • Our website is through a company called Vanco. They set it up so that we can take donations. Vanco Payment Solutions is the company that handles the processing of gifts and makes sure the money goes from your account to the church account. But for you, all it entails is filling out a very simple online giving form.

  • There are several reasons why online giving might be right for you. One simple reason is that it helps you remember to give. One of our staff members has admitted that she had a problem remembering her checkbook on the weeks she wanted to give. Setting up her giving as a recurring monthly transaction removes the problem. Another good reason for online giving is that it helps encourage consistent giving. If, for example, you decide at the beginning of the year that you want to commit to giving a certain amount to the church, setting up a recurring transaction will help you carry through on that commitment. Also, this consistent giving pushes us to be more dedicated to God in your finances than just giving whatever happens to be in our pockets when the plates are passed. Online giving can also save you time. The online giving form is extremely easy to fill out. If you set up a recurring transaction, then you set it up once and let the system do the work for you the rest of the year.

  • Yes. All of the information that you enter into the online donation form is secured by SSL encryption. This means that all of the confidential data you enter is encrypted and then transmitted between your web browser and the payment processing server. Vanco, our website provider, take data security very seriously and have put measures in place to protect your confidential data. Additionally, neither St. Paul's Lutheran Church nor Vanco will sell, rent, or share any of your personal information to any third-party.

  • Currently, we accept Bank Account Transfers, Debit and Credit Cards.

  • Other than your donation amount there are no additional fees or costs for you to give online. In other words, the amount you select to give will be the amount transferred from your bank account. This amount will be recognized as your donation amount. There are certain fees that St. Paul's Lutheran Church incurs to process your online donation, but we do not deduct them from your donation amount. There is an option when selecting credit card to give an additional amount to help offset the credit card processing fee.

  • Yes. You can set a recurring schedule of Weekly, Every Two Weeks, or Monthly, and you can set an End Date for the transactions. You can also choose to make a One-Time donation.

  • St. Paul's Lutheran Church is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Your donation to St. Paul's Lutheran Church is tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law. 

  • You will receive a giving statement at the end of each year.

  • Feel free to contact us at 209-835-7438.